Sunday, 29 April 2012

Definition of LOVE

The most spectacular,indescribable, deep euphoric feeling for someone.

Love is an incredibly powerful word. When you're in love, you always want to be together, and when you're not, you're thinking about being together because you need that person and without them your life is incomplete.

This love is unconditional affection with no limits or conditions: completely loving someone. It's when you trust the other with your life and when you would do anything for each other. When you love someone you want nothing more than for them to be truly happy no matter what it takes because that's how much you care about them and because their needs come before your own. You hide nothing of yourself and can tell the other anything because you know they accept you just the way you are and vice versa.

It's when they're the last thing you think about before you go to sleep and when they're the first thing you think of when you wake up, the feeling that warms your heart and leaves you overcome by a feeling of serenity. Love involves wanting to show your affection and/or devotion to each other. It's the smile on your face you get when you're thinking about them and miss them.

Love can make you do anything and sacrifice for what will be better in the end. Love is intense,and passionate. Everything seems brighter, happier and more wonderful when you're in love. If you find it, don't let it go.
One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life:

That word is love. 


Thursday, 26 April 2012

Top 4 lies the devil is telling you

Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Be imitators of God, therefore, as dearly loved children and live a life of love, just as Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
Ephesians 4:31-32, 5:1-2 

    God wants you to be happy in life. He wants you to experience every success in life. However, beyond every person's understanding, He won't give you everything you want- because He loves you so much. He wants us to trust Him with our eyes of faith and to rely our hopes not on material things. He wants us to set our joy on things above and not on things here in earth. You only have one life and so soon it will pass.

So how do you plan to live your life? You can't bring neither your bank account or gold bars nor your chocolate covered house in the afterlife. Everything will soon come to pass. What satisfies our body is momentary pleasure. How about live a life worth living- Like being happy throughout life and enjoying every grace God is giving you?

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Top 3 Reasons Why True Love Waits (based on how I see Laxmi Sargara's life)

April 26 , 2012

This was the my first real blog post- and I assume this can make a difference.
We all have beliefs regarding relationships. Most teens like the idea of "the smile on your face makes me know that you need me..." and of course the epic "first love never dies" reality statements. You see people hugging, holding each other's hands, and spending the day smooching as if they were the only people on earth. Yes, this is reality. People will die without a partner. Feel lonely without a companion. Live a sad life out of brokenness and singleness. Without love, living here on earth won't be worth it.

I've recently read an article on Yahoo entitled, Child Bride Has Marriage Annulled. Laxmi Sargara is Our Hero of the Day. I definitely with the majority of the comments about this - They're customs are absurd and illogical.
"At an age when most kids are learning to walk, Laxmi Sargara was already married. Her husband, Rakesh, was just three-years-old when family sealed the deal on their fate. She was one. "
Now seventeen years later the couple have set a history-making precedent by having their marriage annulled. But the real hero of this story is Laxmi, now 18, who took remarkably brave steps to reverse the archaic tradition and opened the door for more child brides to follow."
Yes, she became a hero 
Not a political hero, but an example for everyone who are rushing quickly for a relationship. (I  might be too exaggerated, but yeah, there's still wisdom in this)

Top 3 Reasons Why True Love Waits (based on how I see Laxmi Sargara's life)

1. Follow your heart, not what other's want
 "who took remarkably brave steps to reverse the archaic tradition"
    Yes, she's determined to reverse their so-called tradition. Now if  your peers was that illogical to commit relationship just because their friends want too- then they're entrapped in their own customs. They won't be fully happy, enjoy momentarily, and establish a poor foundation on their relationship.
Laxmi knew what she will suffer, and at the age of 18 - she made a stand.

2. It takes time to know a person, it takes a heart to love a person
"I was unhappy about the marriage. I told my parents who did not agree with me, then I sought help," Sargara told AFP. 
  I know what you are thinking, yes won't be happy if your marriage/relationship is based on a shotgun  spouse attack. You can't be truly happy to a person whom you've just met a week ago. Or surely you can be happy, if  your happiness is based on material things. Right?

3. You will live a crazy life with the wrong partner in life

Am I right again? Or maybe just correct me if I'm wrong. Most of us are experiencing intense disappointment just because we're with the wrong partner. You said you love her, but seems to regrets telling it in the first place. We accepted the ring, but would like to throw it over the bridge just to rewind your "Yes" mistakes.
"Now I am mentally relaxed and my family members are also with me," said Laxmi, who beamed as she held up the document for photographers. She plans to continue her education in hopes of landing a job so she can maintain her independence. "
The girl is mentally relaxed - thanks to her commitment to get out from her stupid tradition.
Are you having fun in your relationship with your partner?

Tell me about it.

You have to fight for true love, and you must also wait for it.

Joshua Tienzo
Cost Engineer
Email me:

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Top signs that your relationship is dying

  • When it seems that you don't know your partner anymore
  • You have your separate goals in life
  • You love each other. You ONLY love each other and the interest/the passion/ the "spark" is gone
  • Your commitment is the only thing binding the two of you
  • One is stubborn, the other is insensitive
  • You are not happy anymore, because the other one has his/her own "happiness" to rely with.
  • You want to grow as a person and as a partner, however the other would like to stay on his/her level of immaturity and just remain on his/her own perception of maturity
  • Physical romance is only what's left on your relationship
  • There are no quality conversations
  • Your partner trust "material things" rather than simply having faith and relying on God's blessings
  • Your partner won't listen anymore and wont subject on the authority of the husband
  • 3rd Party (Of course, unless your an idiot)
  • You love God more than your partner, but your partner loves you more than God.

Finding God's will on your life

God's will on your life

There are many plans in a man's heart. Some of it can be easily categorized as "God's Will",..and some of it are based on selfish ambitions. And who can stop you from pursuing your goals if it's dedicated for Him? Fear, anxieties, and unsureness of things happening in the future..they are the ones that commonly prevent most people to succeed. If God will be your strength, will you lack? If your doing His will, will you be lost? As we know God, we can can clearly His will upon us.

The things we prioritized must also be the things important Him. So why worry if He's on your side? For where your heart is, there will be your heart also. Your heart's desires states the probability of your success.

People do expect. They work hard to fulfill a goal. They can sacrifice almost anything just to see their plans being fulfilled. There are reasons to give up and there are times when the road to success is almost faded and seemingly impossible to be walked through.

I thank people people who makes me realize that life is not always about me, what I want, or neither my goals in life. I find strength in my every success. I find joy in every goals that I meet. I find happiness on things which He considered of His enemy.I neglected the very person who first loved me. -that's why I'm now crying in desperation and asking God, "Why?".

In this point in my life, when my every strength is gone, His strength is made perfect in my eyes. I can clearly see that God will always be the one to be hoped for, the one who must controll every vein in my body. Without him, I'll end up in failure. He snatched away the very things I considered "important" and gave me the chance to return on the narrow path. Man will always have the reason why His strength is gone and God will always have his reason to carry us through the times we don't know where are we walking. Every thing will always be in His time.

"...He will give you the desires of your heart"
Psalm 37:4


Boy meets girl

Boy meets girl*

Feb 20th, 2010 1:41am

Stop the time. It doesnt matter. Whenever Im with her, feels like hours are turned to seconds and days are just blinks of an eye. The moment she said “yes”, can’t explain really, but my heart said It was the greatest feeling it ever felt. A guy who once walked alone in his lonely life now shares a hand with a girl he dreamt off every night.

And who can tell. Nothing can separate this two. For they are binded my a promise- a commitment based on a choice not to give up and then chained by a continuing love for each other.

Years and years had pass..and choice had been made…realities and differences are turned together as one. We loved each other and that makes our heart beat as one. Problems grew but it easily fades. Anger and disappointments we’re only a speck of blemish as we write our love story. No one’s giving up. Nothing really matters. It’s only our relationship and “how” we express ourselves to each other- those were the things worth fighting for. It’s just me and her, and everything..everyone…no,..It’s just “US”.

God must be very disappointed coz I took the magic pen- the pen that is used to write those love stories. If only God has been the author of my love, It will be all perfect. But since I took everything with my own hands, things became different.

I used to see rainbows after every storm and blue skies after every lie..but no.. today is not the same as before. I can’t tell whether I’m confused or maybe God is at work..busy re-writing my love story .

The one I called “mine” was now erased from the original set of casts. Mystery characters are showing up and I, the main actor, was now just a “side story” - messed up and being put aside.
Though I chose to love God more than her..and then her more than myself, ..everything became senseless. I’m just a damn character trying to fulfill his role!.

The girl who I loved the most is now gone.
She took off my hand and chose to embrace her new “reality”.

-J. Tienzo

*This blog post was originally posted on my deleted multiply account.

Frozen Tears (A Poem)

Frozen Tears  
Feb 23rd, 2010 9:27am

Tears fall down from the weary heart
Waiting for the sky to set it right
Missed the times when all seems fine
Yet destined to be with someone I cant define.

Too much pain has been felt
Didn't lost heart but the smiles did melt
Distance made us part,
Your my destiny but you tear it all apart

Since everything has started to be gone
I'm still trying just to be your man

How would you describe your girlfriend?

A girlfriend ( my own description ) *

My first and last girlfriend. 
Jan 2009
In someway, having a girl is just normal for every guy. Being single can be a curse,.. or can be a choice. Some last for years, some last for months, though some guys just luckily finds the right one for them-without even planning for it. The kind of girlfriend a guy has is just a mirror effect of his personality, the kind of man he is.

A relationship without trust is just a part-time happiness. Why? Because lack of trust results in doubt, and doubt gives us confusions- things you are not sure of and things from the borderline of reality.

However, a relationship that is carefully molded by time and founded by mere trust , is just a perfect relationship. Hard times is just a peck of strumbling block on every love story. It is the measurement of strength in which you can see how far both of you have gone. When you trust your partner, you are telling yourself-“oh, I dont care how many girls/boys will pass in his/her lifetime, Im sure I’ll always be the one”

A girl will always be special in her own way,-but a guy will too have his special way too be break her heart.

Im writing this on my own perspective. In a matter of time, I gained her trust. But sadly, when ones heart becomes too selfish, insensitivity becomes an issue, and neglegience becomes a problem. The time spent is lessened. Concern is weakend. And Love seems to be slowly fading- instead of showing it. The worst case is breaking up-or should I say wasting up all the efforts and all the oppurtunities just because you are doing the wrong way..and you are “being” the wrong man for that girl.

A girl must be treated MORE than a man. Why? because if you love her, you will treat her MORE THAN yourself. Therefore all actions, all choices you are making whether it is for yourself or not, is not against on your loyalty to your girl. A time spent is not a time wasted - when you spent it for your girl. Every choice you make- is what you are.
You dont leave a girl just because she seems so imperfect for you, you dont leave a girl because you just found a new one, you dont leave a girl just because she lacks time for you, you dont leave a girl just because she flirts around or make you happy all the time, you dont leave a girl just because you dont love her anymore. Im telling you, you are leaving that girl because your crazy enough to forget all the good things that happened to both of you and all the times she made you feel “love”.
Once you tell a girl that you love her. You dont mean, “I love you..for now and later in our relationship I might just leave you..I dont know the reason but Im sure of it”…Because love is not bound by time or either hard times in every relationships.

You say “I love you” to a girl because you made that choice in your life that you’ll accept her whole being-you will love her as herself, and not just a part of herself.
You say “I love you” because you’ve decided that whether in hard times or special moments- you’ll endure that both and become an instrument for both of your maturity.
You say “I love you” to a girl because you agreed in yourself to be a partner, a lover, and be the one who can be available during the times when tears are flowing in her eyes.
You say “I love you” because you made a special choice to be with a girl for the rest of your life

There’s a reason why a girl meets a guy.
There’s no chances in every relationship.
There’s just choices. Good ones. and Crazy ones


I've written this blog post almost 3 years ago on my Multipy blog account (but for some unexplainable reasons I can't access it anymore)