My first and last girlfriend. |
Jan 2009
In someway, having a girl is just normal for every guy. Being single can be a curse,.. or can be a choice. Some last for years, some last for months, though some guys just luckily finds the right one for them-without even planning for it. The kind of girlfriend a guy has is just a mirror effect of his personality, the kind of man he is.
A relationship without trust is just a part-time happiness. Why? Because lack of trust results in doubt, and doubt gives us confusions- things you are not sure of and things from the borderline of reality.
However, a relationship that is carefully molded by time and founded by mere trust , is just a perfect relationship. Hard times is just a peck of strumbling block on every love story. It is the measurement of strength in which you can see how far both of you have gone. When you trust your partner, you are telling yourself-“oh, I dont care how many girls/boys will pass in his/her lifetime, Im sure I’ll always be the one”
A girl will always be special in her own way,-but a guy will too have his special way too be break her heart.
Im writing this on my own perspective. In a matter of time, I gained her trust. But sadly, when ones heart becomes too selfish, insensitivity becomes an issue, and neglegience becomes a problem. The time spent is lessened. Concern is weakend. And Love seems to be slowly fading- instead of showing it. The worst case is breaking up-or should I say wasting up all the efforts and all the oppurtunities just because you are doing the wrong way..and you are “being” the wrong man for that girl.
A girl must be treated MORE than a man. Why? because if you love her, you will treat her MORE THAN yourself. Therefore all actions, all choices you are making whether it is for yourself or not, is not against on your loyalty to your girl. A time spent is not a time wasted - when you spent it for your girl. Every choice you make- is what you are.
You dont leave a girl just because she seems so imperfect for you, you dont leave a girl because you just found a new one, you dont leave a girl just because she lacks time for you, you dont leave a girl just because she flirts around or make you happy all the time, you dont leave a girl just because you dont love her anymore.
..now Im telling you, you are leaving that girl because your crazy enough to forget all the good things that happened to both of you and all the times she made you feel “love”.
Once you tell a girl that you love her. You dont mean, “I love you..for now and later in our relationship I might just leave you..I dont know the reason but Im sure of it”…Because love is not bound by time or either hard times in every relationships.
You say “I love you” to a girl because you made that choice in your life that you’ll accept her whole being-you will love her as herself, and not just a part of herself.
You say “I love you” because you’ve decided that whether in hard times or special moments- you’ll endure that both and become an instrument for both of your maturity.
You say “I love you” to a girl because you agreed in yourself to be a partner, a lover, and be the one who can be available during the times when tears are flowing in her eyes.
You say “I love you” because you made a special choice to be with a girl for the rest of your life
There’s a reason why a girl meets a guy.
There’s no chances in every relationship.
There’s just choices. Good ones. and Crazy ones
I've written this blog post almost 3 years ago on my Multipy blog account (but for some unexplainable reasons I can't access it anymore)