When Jesus said "Love them like I loved them", He didn't mean just those who fit into our idea of lovable. He meant those who are broken. Those who are scarred. Those who no one else will touch. Jesus meant love them all. We don't get to pick and choose. http://jesusiswhatthisworldneeds.tumblr.com
Ladies, wait for a good, strong, Christ following man who will protect and encourage you; don't settle for just some boy. Guys, wait for a woman with a pure heart and honest passion for God who will build you up; don't settle for just some girl.http://heisincontrol.tumblr.com
Jesus is not my boyfriend.
I’m sorry but I just don’t like the phrase, “Jesus is my boyfriend.” Just no.http://godmoves.tumblr.com/
Ladies, wait for a good, strong, Christ following man who will protect and encourage you; don't settle for just some boy. Guys, wait for a woman with a pure heart and honest passion for God who will build you up; don't settle for just some girl.http://heisincontrol.tumblr.com
Jesus is not my boyfriend.
I’m sorry but I just don’t like the phrase, “Jesus is my boyfriend.” Just no.http://godmoves.tumblr.com/
Praise God even when you dont understand what He's doing.
We have to realize—our mistakes aren’t that powerful. Our mistakes aren’t too big for God. He’s not up in the heavens shaking His head saying, “I never dreamed they would do that. They’ve ruined My plan.” No, God knew every mistake we would ever make. He knew every wrong turn, and He’s already prepared a new route. He already has your detour figured out.
Scripture says that God knows the end from the beginning. If you’ve made some mistakes, the good news is that He has already planned a way to get you back on track! Just come to Him with an open and humble heart. Let Him wash you clean and make you new. Your mistakes aren’t bigger than God. He loves you and has a good plan in store for you! http://spiritualinspiration.tumblr.com
You matter to me, to your friends, to your family. Don’t ever feel like you’re worth nothing because you are so much more. You are not the mistakes you’ve made. Learn to forgive yourself, because God forgives you. Accept His love and grace, strive to be a better person. http://ayoxannna.tumblr.comScripture says that God knows the end from the beginning. If you’ve made some mistakes, the good news is that He has already planned a way to get you back on track! Just come to Him with an open and humble heart. Let Him wash you clean and make you new. Your mistakes aren’t bigger than God. He loves you and has a good plan in store for you! http://spiritualinspiration.tumblr.com