Joshua Nalian
Jeric Terrado
Joshua Tienzo
Rodelson Cua
Schedule: TBA
Christian Life Messages
(1) Abiding in Christ
(2) Dealing With Strongholds
(3) Overcoming in life's Disappointments & Difficulties
(4) Abundant Living - Vital Keys to Spiritual Fullness
(5) Living Stress Free in Today's World
(6) Overcoming The Rejection Syndrome
(6a) The Dynamics of Biblical Change
(7) Join Heirs With Christ - Our Spritual Inheritance
(8) Looking to God - God Centered Living
(9) Looking To God - Doing Things God's Way
(10) Rediscovering Your Passion
(11) Knowing Your Position in God
(12) Kingdom Realities
Characteristics of True Christianity
(13) Characteristics That Define Our Transformation
(14) Characteristics That Define Who We Are
(15) Characteristics That Define Our Actions
(16)Characteristics That Define Our Victory
Being an Overcomer in Today's World
(17)Certainty in an Uncertain World
(18)Being a Christian in a Non-Christian World
(19)Contending With Changing Values
(20)Living According to God's Promises
Faith Building Messages
(21)Believing God For the Impossible
(22)Overcoming Life's Difficulties - Where is your Faith?
(23)The Communication of our Faith
(24)Victory Through Praise
Faith Works By Love
(25)Faith Comes in "Cans"
(26)Faith For Every Day Living
(27)Dare to Believe
(28)Becoming A Champion - Champion's Creed Pt.1
(29)Becoming A Champion - Champion's Creed Pt.2
Seven Major Keys to Great Faith
(30)Faith and Determination
(31)Building Faith Muscles
(32)Faith's Confession - I Believed, Therefore I Spoke
(33)Sowing and Reaping Principles
(34)The Covenant of Healing
Spiritual Warfare Messages
(35)Dealing with Strongholds
(36)The Weapon of Truth
(37)Understanding & Knowing Our Enemy
(38)What Kind of an Armor Bearer Are You
(39)Making a Determined Effort
(40)Taking Authority Over the Enemy
(41)Armed and Ready
Christian Essentials
(42)Faith, Hope & Love
(43)Learning How to Trust the Lord - 6/16/2012 Josh
(44)Humility Before the Lord
(45)Humility as Way of Life
(46)The Joy of Forgiveness
(47)Forgiveness Thru Conviction, Confession & Repentance
Prayer Messages
(48)Power of Prayer 1 - Preparing Our Hearts
(49)Power of Prayer 2 - Praying According to God's Will
(50)Effective Prayer
The Parables of Jesus
(51)The Prodigal Son
(52)The Parable of the Sower
(53)The Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus
(54)The Vine and the Branches
(55)The Unjust Steward
Breaking Free Series
(56)Healing For the Wounded Spirit
(57)Clearing the Clutter of the Past
(58) Responding to Life's Hardships
(59)Finding Joy in the Midst of Life's Struggles
(60)Breaking Free From the Victim Mentality
The Beauty of God's Grace Series
(61)How to Avoid the Performance Trap
(62)God's Grace in Holiness & Sanctification
(63)Grace is Freedom & Liberty in Christ
(64)Appropriating God's Grace
Vision, Purpose & Destiny Messages
(65)Keeping Your Vision Fresh & Alive
(66)Making the Most of Your Life
Word & Spirit - Partners in Purpose
(67)Conscecrated unto God's Purpose
(68)Fulfilling Your Vision - What's Holding Your Back
(69)Discovering & Capturing Your Destiny
(70)Getting Into God's Playbook
Dealing With The Sin in Our Lives
(71)Why Christians Sin
(72)The Consequences of Sin - Pt 1
(73)The Consequences of Sin - Pt 2
(74)Applying The Blood to Our Sins
Character Building Messages
(75)Lessons from the Beatitudes
(76)Making a Determined Effort
(77)The Path of Life - Conflicting Paths
(78)The Power of Obedience
(79)Staying in the Race
Thanks to Pastor Ken Birks for the resources.