Wednesday 25 April 2012

Top 3 Reasons Why True Love Waits (based on how I see Laxmi Sargara's life)

April 26 , 2012

This was the my first real blog post- and I assume this can make a difference.
We all have beliefs regarding relationships. Most teens like the idea of "the smile on your face makes me know that you need me..." and of course the epic "first love never dies" reality statements. You see people hugging, holding each other's hands, and spending the day smooching as if they were the only people on earth. Yes, this is reality. People will die without a partner. Feel lonely without a companion. Live a sad life out of brokenness and singleness. Without love, living here on earth won't be worth it.

I've recently read an article on Yahoo entitled, Child Bride Has Marriage Annulled. Laxmi Sargara is Our Hero of the Day. I definitely with the majority of the comments about this - They're customs are absurd and illogical.
"At an age when most kids are learning to walk, Laxmi Sargara was already married. Her husband, Rakesh, was just three-years-old when family sealed the deal on their fate. She was one. "
Now seventeen years later the couple have set a history-making precedent by having their marriage annulled. But the real hero of this story is Laxmi, now 18, who took remarkably brave steps to reverse the archaic tradition and opened the door for more child brides to follow."
Yes, she became a hero 
Not a political hero, but an example for everyone who are rushing quickly for a relationship. (I  might be too exaggerated, but yeah, there's still wisdom in this)

Top 3 Reasons Why True Love Waits (based on how I see Laxmi Sargara's life)

1. Follow your heart, not what other's want
 "who took remarkably brave steps to reverse the archaic tradition"
    Yes, she's determined to reverse their so-called tradition. Now if  your peers was that illogical to commit relationship just because their friends want too- then they're entrapped in their own customs. They won't be fully happy, enjoy momentarily, and establish a poor foundation on their relationship.
Laxmi knew what she will suffer, and at the age of 18 - she made a stand.

2. It takes time to know a person, it takes a heart to love a person
"I was unhappy about the marriage. I told my parents who did not agree with me, then I sought help," Sargara told AFP. 
  I know what you are thinking, yes won't be happy if your marriage/relationship is based on a shotgun  spouse attack. You can't be truly happy to a person whom you've just met a week ago. Or surely you can be happy, if  your happiness is based on material things. Right?

3. You will live a crazy life with the wrong partner in life

Am I right again? Or maybe just correct me if I'm wrong. Most of us are experiencing intense disappointment just because we're with the wrong partner. You said you love her, but seems to regrets telling it in the first place. We accepted the ring, but would like to throw it over the bridge just to rewind your "Yes" mistakes.
"Now I am mentally relaxed and my family members are also with me," said Laxmi, who beamed as she held up the document for photographers. She plans to continue her education in hopes of landing a job so she can maintain her independence. "
The girl is mentally relaxed - thanks to her commitment to get out from her stupid tradition.
Are you having fun in your relationship with your partner?

Tell me about it.

You have to fight for true love, and you must also wait for it.

Joshua Tienzo
Cost Engineer
Email me:

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