Sunday 3 February 2013

Arg Notes #29: Church Music Team

February 03, 2013

Sunday morning. Worship service.

This is the place I usually spend my mornings with. The chapel.

For  almost a decade, I've been part of our church's music team and I have seen people dedicate their talents for this kind of  ministry. Sadly, most of them chose to serve the world instead of playing music in the narrow road.

Young people are fond of making music. Exactly of the reasons why they are the most "eligible" people to play music in the church. Their talent is needed. However, is it really enough?

I remember my "maestro". He used to teach me to lead congregational singing while playing guitar. It's not how you play your guitar, but how you lead the congregation in singing. Don't just play from the heart, but play with wisdom and Godly inspiration. No matter how you play well, your music will be just a clanging cymbal in His ears if you will play with pride and a boastful heart.

You play music because you WORSHIP him through it.

I still remember those years when I'm still inspired to play with my heart, my soul, and Him as my inspiration.

Presently, our Church's music team is now composed of the fourth generation of musicians.
I 've been taught by my uncle and Master Leo Nebrija. I taught Rodelson Cua and  Josh Nalian. Rodelson taught Kiel Mariano & Jerome Canosa.

The quality of worship by the congregation is greatly influence by how the music team lead them. Its not based on the size of the band or how complete your instruments are. It's not also based either your placed in front of a large crowd,an elegant stage, or only at the corner of your small chapel.
It's based on how you lead them to worship.

Most youth's are getting bored with this. You know playing solemnly. Guitar -plucked only background music during breaking of bread and lineups full of church hymns.

It's quite boring for an immature musician. However, imagine playing in front of a King? How will you play your instrument? Will you play just to perform? or to please?

This is one of the main problems of any music team.

It's the HEART.

You play because you are NEEDED. You play because you think it's only a form of "jamming". You play because you are told to. You play well because you think it will please the listeners. Your motivation is on everyone's approval.

Most of us forget that we play because we worship - and as we worship, your talent will follow and you will begin to play in a worship mode.

Take note. Your quality of "playing" will either positively or negative affect the congregation as they worship.

Take heart. Examine your hearts. Play with wisdom. Perform for the Lord.

Audience of ONE.

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